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Title List — Keystone View Company Second Set of 1919
Sequence | Image Number |
Title |
1 | 15625 | Sarajevo, Yugoslavia—Scene of Murder of Crown Prince which Started Flame that Engulfed All Europe |
2 | 16046 | The 48th Highlanders of Toronto |
3 | 14506 | Part of the Czar's Millions |
4 | 14797 | Germany's Dreaded Foe in the East |
5 | 11374 | English Cavalry Horses Ready for the Front |
6 | 18718 | Section where Horses Were Quartered, Detachment of British Cavalry |
7 | 18098 | With the French Army in the Dardanelles. Camp of the African Cavalry (Chasseurs d'Afrique) |
8 | 18054 | A Part of England's Cosmopolitan Army |
9 | 06653 | Scene of First Mobilization Which Precipitated the European War |
10 | 12031 | French Soldiers Enduring the Hardships of Camp Life |
11 | 18050 | With the Belgian Army at the Front: Inspection of Rifles |
12 | 18094 | Devout Mohammedans at the Hour of Prayer; With the Troops in France |
13 | 18664 | Partners of Americans in Marne Counter-Offensive—French Moroccan Troops on Villers-Cotteret Road |
14 | 18644 | A Troop of the British Colonials that Have Deprived Germany of Her African Possessions |
15 | 18704 | Belgians Defending Bridge Across Canal, Flanders |
16 | 18009 | Trenches of the Allies Among the Dunes and Brambles on the Coast of Flanders |
17 | 18010 | Belgian Soldiers Issuing Forth in Order, With a Running Pace |
18 | 18707 | British Royal Engineers Constructing Second Line Trenches in Flanders |
19 | 18630 | Marshall Joffre and Other High Officials of the French Army at Sheltered Headquarters Near the Front |
20 | 01641 | Avenue des Champs Elysees, Paris, France |
21 | 03104 | Notre Dame, Paris, France |
22 | 18001 | Russian Lancers Riding Through the Main Street, "The Tachsen Place," Warsaw, Russia |
23 | 18688 | Russian Troops Taking Brief Rest on Banks of River. Pontoon Bridge in Background |
24 | 18689 | A Bristling Forest of Bayonets; Russian Troops on Review |
25 | 18691 | Fighting Russians on the March |
26 | 18686 | Russians Attacking |
27 | 18690 | A Business of War; Russian Soldiers Guarding Cattle Used for Food |
28 | 18642 | Meat for the Boys in the Trenches-An Important Result of Meatless Days |
29 | 18719 | Baking Bread for the Fighters in the Trenches |
30 | 18078 | Army Mess Wagons Serving Hot Coffee to a Battery of Artillery after a Forced March to a Position in the Woods |
31 | 18627 | An Army Kitchen Behind the Firing Line |
32 | 18679 | Troops Going to Rest After the Battle of Vaux in the Verdun Section |
33 | 18036 | Troop of French Cyclist Scouts in the Enemy's Country |
34 | 18083 | France's Sturdy Sons Still Roll Forward—On the Way to the Trenches |
35 | 18069 | Terraced Trenches in Quick Sand. Built by German Soldiers in a Pine Forest on the Eastern Front |
36 | 18043 | In the French Trenches; Infantry Soldier on Observation Duty |
37 | 18665 | French Lines Captured from the Enemy by the Marine Fusileers |
38 | 18647 | On the Side of Mount Volskopf (Haut Rhin), Detachment of Mountain Artillery Battery |
39 | 18672 | Artillery Observation Post in the Estrees District of the Somme Salient |
40 | 18666 | Tatoi Trenches in the Croisettes Wood Showing Officers in Consultation…Before the Attack...Somme |
41 | 18633 | French Soldiers Resting In The Trenches |
42 | 18667 | General De Puydraguen Coming Out of a Trench Near Lac Blanc in the Vosges Section |
43 | 18097 | Tired, Hungry Frenchmen—Heroes of the Trenches Retiring for a Rest After Hours of Ceaseless Fighting |
44 | 18655 | French Troops on Their Return from the Firing Line in the Region of Verdun |
45 | 18603 | Camp of French Artillerymen. Enjoying Well-earned Rest from Trench Warfare |
46 | 18668 | The Entry to a Covered Trench in the District of Asiago in Italy |
47 | 18711 | Looking E. on Italian Front. Foreground. Italian Trenches of Resistance Built after Territory Was Won from Enemy |
48 | 18060 | Ready to Charge the Russian Lines |
49 | 18650 | German Prisoners, Under Guard of French Soldiers, Were Humanely Treated by the Allies |
50 | 18662 | From All Along the Battle Lines These German Prisoners Filed into France |
51 | 18674 | German Dead Strew the Land Where Once Again the Thrifty French Farmer Will Ply His Peaceful Trade |
52 | 18687 | Identifying Russian Dead Before Burial |
53 | 18613 | Sacrificed on Altar of German Militarism—Arrival of Dead at Military Cemetery, Villers au Bois |
54 | 18717 | Cemetery Near Sdransina Where Many Heroic Italian Dead Are Buried |
55 | 18703 | British Red Cross ambulance in French Service; Northern France |
56 | 18657 | Taking Away the Wounded in Motor Ambulance (Somme) |
57 | 18608 | French Field Hospital—Locating Bullet With X-Ray Machine |
58 | 18059 | Russian Wounded in the Hospital |
59 | 18606 | Heroes from the Front. French Wounded Delivered at Hospital Station from Red Cross Train |
60 | 18641 | On the Way to "Blighty"—The British soldier's Word for England and Home! |
61 | 18723 | Hospital Established in Church |
62 | 19008 | X-Ray machine for Determining Extent of Injuries |
63 | 18099 | Decorating With Medaille Militaire. Adjutant Dambrine, Severely Wounded at Ablain St. Nazaire,France |
64 | 18048 | View Showing Interior of Sugar Mill Bombarded by the Germans |
65 | 18607 | Ruined Church at Sompul, France. In Foreground, Graves of Staff of General Barbode (Nine Officers) Killed by Same German Shell |
66 | 18706 | Ruins of Famous Church at St. Albert, France |
67 | 18629 | Searching the Ruins, "Somewhere in France" |
68 | 18722 | Italian Front, Showing Trenches, Barbed Wire Entanglements and Destroyed Chemical Factory |
69 | 18721 | Interior Ruined Church, Town of Quero, in Section Where Great Italian Victory Was Won |
70 | 18720 | Castle of Duino, Destroyed During War, as Seen from Old Castle of Duino, Gulf of Trieste in Distance |
71 | 18618 | Evidence of German "Kulture"—Church at Ecriennes, France, Shattered by a German Shell |
72 | 18016 | The "Royal Engineers" Leaving England for the Front |
73 | 18708 | British Royal Engineers Transporting Cavalry Horses Across a River |
74 | 18079 | Inspecting a Nearly Completed Pontoon Bridge in the French Sector of the West Front |
75 | 18678 | French Troops and Transport on "The Sacred Road," During the Battle of Verdun, 1916 |
76 | 18604 | More "Pills" for the Enemy; Arrival of Munition Train at the Front |
77 | 18058 | French Guns, Paris, France |
78 | 18055 | Artillery Maneuvers—The Decisive Factor of the Present War |
79 | 18646 | Telescope Captured from the Germans |
80 | 18631 | Off for Berlin! High Power Autotruck Delivering Large Cannon to the Firing Line in France |
81 | 18085 | Autotruck Taking a Heavy Gun Into Action Near Verdun, France |
82 | 18705 | French 75 Millimeter Guns in Ambush Near German Trenches |
83 | 18088 | British Troops Rush On Despite the Bursting of German Shells in Their Path, Loos, France |
84 | 18651 | A French 155-mm Gun Trained on the German Trenches |
85 | 18652 | Bursting of a Shell; The Gun is Out of Sight Miles and Miles Away |
86 | 18625 | Training a French Trench Mortar; These are easily carried by 2 men and throw a bomb which causes much destruction |
87 | 18673 | French Soldiers Bringing a Huge "370" Gun into Position with a Rope |
88 | 18640 | French Gunners Adjusting Large Cannon Mounted on Railway Track—France |
89 | 18635 | High Power Guns Mounted on Railway Truck, and Under Camouflage Protection, France |
90 | 18610 | One 105 Gun that has Fired its Last Shot for Prussian Autocracy. Captured in a Recent Allied Drive |
91 | 06602 | A Russian Gun Dismantled by Implements of War |
92 | 18065 | A Pioneer of the Kaiser's Forests Shattered into Toothpicks by a Shell from the Russian Lines |
93 | 18649 | Large German Shells Found in Their Destroyed Trenches |
94 | 18653 | No Obstacle Stops the Soldiers of Democracy. Carrying a 65 Mountain Gun in Sections Over the Mountainous Passes |
95 | 18658 | Church Bell of a Village of Champagne, Used As a Warning for Gas Attacks |
96 | 18656 | Liquid Fire Gun Captured from the Germans in the Somme by Our Troops |
97 | 18710 | Abandoned Austrian Marine Gun Captured by the Allies on the Italian Front |
98 | 18670 | A French Tank—One of the Allies' Answers to Barbed Wire Entanglements and Machine Gun Nests |
99 | 18676 | How France Aided Her Fighters—Renault Tanks Going to the Front |
100 | 19149 | Huge Armored Tank Making Its Way Through a Smoke Screen |
101 | 18082 | An alarm in Camp! Approach of Enemy Aeroplane, France |
102 | 19049 | Lieut. LeMaitre of French Aviation Forces, Explaining "Nieuport" Airplane, Fortress Monroe,Va. |
103 | 18654 | A Flock of French Fliers Ready for Action On the Battle Line. Nieuport Airplanes With Guns |
104 | 18080 | Airplane on Scout Duty with French Troops—France |
105 | 18077 | Preparing to Reconnoiter the Enemy's Position—Officers Entering the Cradle of a Captive Balloon |
106 | 18000 | Zeppelin Flying Over a German Town—Lower Valley of the Rhine |
107 | 18612 | Shooting German Airplanes—Aircraft Gun Concealed in the Woods |
108 | 18632 | Zeppelin Wrecked and Burned—Ruins Being Inspected by French Troops |
109 | 18680 | German Airplane Brought Down Near Quennevieres in the Oise District |
110 | 11774 | French Fleet in Their Mediterranean Stronghold, Villefranche, France |
111 | 16259 | British Battle Cruiser "Indomitable," Which Sunk the German Battle Cruiser Bluecher |
112 | 16049 | French Battleship Leon Gambetta Sunk in the Adriatic |
113 | 14504 | Russian Pacific Fleet |
114 | 18683 | President Poincare at the Front, France |
115 | 18682 | Generals Cadorna and Duport in Consultation Previous to an Attack |
116 | 19133 | Marshall Foch, General Pershing, Madame Joffre, Marshall Joffre, and General Dubail, at Paris |
117 | 19000 | President Wilson Addressing Congress on Question of International Peace and Imminent Danger of War |
118 | 18335 | Marshall Joffre, Viviant, Chocheprat and Fabry—French War Commission—With Gov. Lowden and State Officials at Tomb of Lincoln, Springfield, Ill. |
119 | 19064 | For Five Hours New York's Citizen Army Poured by this Reviewing Stand, Twenty Men Abreast |
120 | 19096 | Sunshine Keeps Our Soldiers Healthy, Daily Sunning of Equipment |
121 | 19116 | A Pleasant View Through Camp Forest, Chickamauga Park, Chattanooga |
122 | 19085 | A Touch of Winter in a National Army Cantonment |
123 | 19093 | American Soldiers Wash Their Own Dishes and they Must Pass Inspection |
124 | 19083 | Rest Period in Company Barracks in a Southern Cantonment |
125 | 19114 | The Democracy of Army Life Finds Its Fulfillment at the Mess Table |
126 | 18334 | "Volley Fire!" by Two Student Companies of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. |
127 | 19095 | The Best Fed Men in the World—American Soldiers With Appetites Rockefeller Would Envy |
128 | 19068 | 1918 Graduating Class at Naval Academy, Annapolis, Which Were Graduated One Year Earlier |
129 | 18365 | "Attention!"—Reserve Officers Receiving Instruction in Training Camp, Ft. Sheridan, Ill. |
130 | 19063 | The Heart of the Nation—Every Mother's Son Ready to do His Duty. Calisthenics in the Army |
131 | 19097 | Learning How to Give the Huns a Taste of American Steel |
132 | 19074 | "Parade Rest"—Naval Training Station |
133 | 19072 | Naval Commander Inspecting Rifles at a Naval Training Station |
134 | 19089 | Sousa's Famous Marine Band Playing on South Steps of Treasury Building, Washington, D.C. |
135 | 19162 | Fighters from the United States Navy—One of the "Reasons Why" We Won |
136 | 17391 | Love Bids Him Stay, But Duty Calls to the Man in Khaki |
137 | 19070 | One of New York's Greatest Military Spectacles The "Rainbow" Division Parading in Honor of Citizen |
138 | 19091 | Bidding Farewell to the Homeland |
139 | 19130 | The Leviathan, Formerly the German S.S. Vaterland, the Largest Transport in our Service, Returning to France for More Troops |
140 | 19103 | Our Allies Welcoming American Boys Across the Water |
141 | 19118 | Uncle Sam Provides for Comfort of His Soldiers; Colored Troops en Route |
142 | 19134 | Inauguration of the Wilson Bridge at Lyons, France—American Troops Passing Over the Bridge |
143 | 19132 | General Pershing, Commander-in-chief of the American Expeditionary Forces, Conversing with a Group of Officers |
144 | 19137 | American Troops Marching Past Official Reviewing Stand, Chaumont, France |
145 | 19136 | General Gouraud Reviewing American Troops |
146 | 19100 | Our Answer to the Kaiser—3,000 of America's Millions Eager to Fight |
147 | 17389 | Our Boys Responding to Uncle Sam's Call |
148 | 19058 | "He went not forth as a leader of men, A place in the ranks was enough for him" |
149 | 19057 | "Making the World Safe for Democracy"—Our Boys Training for the Firing Line |
150 | 19094 | Learning How to Make Roads for the Final March to Berlin |
151 | 19065 | Digging Trenches |
152 | 19080 | Mess Time Out on the Rifle Range of a Southern Cantonment |
153 | 19098 | The Boys Appreciate a Rest During Their Long Marches |
154 | 18675 | Our "Sammie" Buys an American Newspaper at the Front |
155 | 18659 | The Comforts of a "Smoke"—In the Trenches in the Wooded Hills of the Argonne Salient |
156 | 18660 | A Few of America's Millions—Sheltered Bunks in the Carre Wood near Avocourt in the Meuse Section |
157 | 18360 | Building Barbed Wire Entanglements—Reserve Officers in Training Camp, Ft. Sheridan, Illinois |
158 | 19079 | "Over the Top"—American Soldiers Answering the Bugle Call to "Charge" |
159 | 18725 | Strong Dugouts in Holes Under Huge Rocks, in Belleau Woods, France |
160 | 18724 | Holes Torn Out by Huge Shells; Where Our Boys Fought in Belleau Woods |
161 | 19161 | American Men in Service Visiting the Ruined Village of Belleau |
162 | 19160 | Burial Ground in Belleau, France, for American Men Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice "Over There" |
163 | 19159 | American Cemetery Beside Road Leading into Belleau Woods, France |
164 | 18716 | Looking South over Chateau-Thierry from the Ramparts of the Old Chateau |
165 | 18715 | View of Famous Bridge Over the Marne, toward Hotel de Ville and Heights of Old Chateau |
166 | 18714 | Church of Saint Crepin Where 208 Prisoners Were Held by the Germans, as Seen from Avenue Jules LeFerre. Chateau-Thierry, France |
167 | 18712 | Gateway to the Old Chateau at Chateau-Thierry |
168 | 19157 | The Y.M.C.A. at Chateau-Thierry |
169 | 18713 | French Girls Looking at Ruins in Village Courteass on Road to Belleau Wood near Chateau-Thierry |
170 | 19158 | American Soldiers "Doing" Paris in a Y.M.C.A. Sight-seeing Automobile |
171 | 08044 | Breech Mechanism Department (Navy Yard), Washington, D.C. |
172 | 19052 | The Heavy 12-Inch Mortars That Protect the Stars and Stripes—Gun Crew Loading Ready to Fire |
173 | 19051 | 12-inch Disappearing Coast Defense Gun Elevated for Firing, Fortress Monroe, Va. |
174 | 19053 | Projectile Weighing 1070 Lbs.—Powder 325 Lbs. One Load for the 12-inch Disappearing Gun. Fortress Monroe, Va. |
175 | 19050 | Preparing for the Firing Line—Loading a 3-Inch Field Gun |
176 | 19009 | Howitzer Used in Trench Warfare; 500 Lb. High Explosive Shell in Air |
177 | 16586 | The Battleship Fleet Entering Hampton Roads, Va. |
178 | 19007 | Forward Turret and Bridge of U.S.S. Maryland |
179 | 14253 | A Sailor's Sewing Day Reminds Him Keenly of Home and Mother—Life on Board a Battleship |
180 | 14254 | Playing Backgammon During a Leisure Hour—One of the Diversions on Board a Battleship |
181 | 14250 | Marines and Sailors Dispersing after an Assembly Aft for Instructions—Life on Board a Battleship |
182 | 14249 | Bugler Calling Marines and Sailors to Assemble for Instruction. Life on Board a Battleship |
183 | 09367 | Gunners on Board U. S. Battleship New York Loading 5-Inch Gun |
184 | 19147 | Deck of U.S. Battleship Pennsylvania |
185 | 19004 | Four of our Submarines in Dry Dock in Government Navy Yard |
186 | 16667 | Submarines in the Foreground, Battleships and Torpedo Boats in the Background, San Diego Bay, California |
187 | 16540 | The Torpedo Boat Flotilla of the Battleship Fleet in Portland Harbor |
188 | 10304 | Throne Room, Royal Palace, Berlin, Germany |
189 | 11949 | Pres. Wilson and Miss Margaret Wilson Passing Down the Gangplank from the George Washington at Brest |
190 | 18695 | Arch of Triumph with German War Trophies, Paris, France |
191 | 18699 | British Officer Inspecting Captured German Tank "Elfriede," Place de la Concorde, Paris, France |
192 | 18697 | "Grand Place" of Devastated Arras, Section Visited by Peace Conference Delegates, France |
193 | 19121 | After the War Was Won; The Battleship Nevada Lying in the Hudson River |
194 | 19128 | The New York City Skyline Brings a Thrill to the Heart of Every Returning Doughboy—U.S.S. Louisiana |
195 | 19127 | U.S. Battleships Serve as Transports in Bringing Our Troops Home—The Louisiana at Dock in New York Harbor |
196 | 19129 | View of Main Turrets of U.S.S. Louisiana—Happy Homecoming Soldiers on Deck |
197 | 19163 | Hail to the Heroes! Returning Troops on March Enroute to Camp After Leaving Trans. Newport News, Va. |
198 | 19141 | Heroes All, Were They! The Gallant 27th of New York |
199 | 19138 | Fighters Who Broke the Hindenburg Line Parading Down Fifth Ave., New York |
200 | 19153 | A Happy Reunion for Home-Coming Soldier Fathers |
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